.120 THE INDIAK STBUGGLE FOR FREEDOM he replied. Every newspaper in London promptly fea- tured the criticism of us by the Secretary of State. Only one of them has had the decency to publish any answer to it by a member of the India League Delega- tion. I shall make my reply for India in the next, article. (The Hindu, V9th December, 19 wj NO. IL—ALLEGED NEGLECT OF OFFICIAL VIEW Put briefly, Sir Samuel Hoare's grievance against the India League Delegation, can be expressed in four complaints. "The delegates did not seem anxious fco avail' themselves of official offers of help, und they were not 1 disposed to credit accurate information when it was ' supplied to them." "The party chose throughout to take its impres- sions from Congress workers. ** "Congress headquarters staged demonstrations, 'involving clashes with the police for the party's bene- fit." "The India League received a substantial dona- tion from a prominent Indian Congress worker about the time the mission was being arranged." I am not aware that any offer of official help was ever rejected by the Delegation as a whole, or by any member of it. I would be glad fco hear some specific